Dr. L’s Podcast

Captain Hunter’s Podcast is now Dr. L’s Podcast. During the pandemic, I went back to school and completed a doctorate in Leadership. While I still plan to hit on some policing stories, I will mostly pivot to self-improvement topics. Having overcome many mental hurdles, I think it’s time I gave back. I want to help people become the best version of themselves. I also plan to hit on love and relationship topics. Having gone through a divorce and returning to the dating market, I will speak about the mistakes I made along the way and how a mature man looks at dating. Buckle up as we discuss some critical life-changing topics. Hit me up if you have any show suggestions: bigglphd@gmail.com And don’t forget to follow me on Youtube - Dr. L’ Podcast (formerly @bigglphd)

Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Breaking the School to Prison Pipeline w/ US Rep Jahana Hayes
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Too many of our children are suffering from over-policing in the public school system. The result is viral videos of young children being aggressively tackled and handcuffed These young children are being criminalized and eventually left out of society. In this episode, we will speak with former 2016 National Teacher of the Year and current US Congresswoman Jahana Hayes about the school-to-prison-pipeline and what we can do to change the system and help our children get their education and yet be children. #schooltoprisonpipeline @RepJahanaHayes @JahanaHayesCT #police #lawenforcement #policeinschools @cptlhunter #captainhunterspodcast #mentalhealth #childhomelessness #homelessness #childpoverty #poverty #students

Sunday Jan 19, 2020
Dealing w/ Trauma After a Police Shooting w/ Dr/ Allen Lipscomb
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
How do members of the community fair after a police-involved shooting? In this episode, we will speak with a psychologist who specializes in trauma and who focuses on the Black community. We will learn that there are secondary factors that traumatize the community and not just the family of the victim. We will explore the sense of helplessness and hopelessness that some members of the community feel after "another" OIS (officer-involved shooting).
#OIS #officerinvolvedshooting #police #lawenforcement @alcombs101 @cptlhunter #PTSD #trauma #mentalhealth #podcast #captainhunterspodcast #cptlhunter #drallenlipscomb #blackcommunity #blackmentalhealth #ahmaudarbery #irunwithmaud #runwithmaud

Saturday Jan 18, 2020
Movie Review - Queen and Slim w/ L Boogie Jr
Saturday Jan 18, 2020
Saturday Jan 18, 2020
L Boogie Jr and I are back at it. This time we will look to review the movie Queen and Slim. I know, I know it came out a while ago however, we are just getting around to reviewing it. #moviewreview #DanielKayuula #JodieTurner-Smith #lawenforcement #Cptlhunter @cptlhunter #bonnieandclyderemake #bonnieandclyde #police #mediainfluence #policeperception

Sunday Jan 12, 2020
Harm Reduction in PR w/ Rafael Torruella PhD
Sunday Jan 12, 2020
Sunday Jan 12, 2020
Dr. Toruella has specialized in reducing the harmful effects that drug users face from society and the criminal justice system. He has dedicated his life to meeting the bio-social needs of his clients, especially those from the island of Puerto Rico. He has recognized the toll that colonization and lack of political power have placed on many from Puerto Rico and has taken up the mantle to bring about change. #harmreduction #drugreform #drugpolicy #intercambiospr.org #drrafaeltorruella #rafaeltorruellaphd @cptlhunter #lawenforcement #police #warondrugs #massincarceration #waronpoverty

Sunday Jan 05, 2020
A Look at the Opioid Crisis w/ Dr. Kanika Turner
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
The opioid crisis has been ravaging the country for quite some time now. But the reaction to the flooding of dangerous drugs into communities has not always garnered the best of responses. And those differing responses, of criminalizing vs care, have been based upon the communities which were hit. In this episode, we will explore the differences in reactions to the opioid crisis vs the crack crisis of the 1980s. Dr. Kanika Turner will shed light on what she and other doctors are doing to combat this growing problem. @cptlhunter #cptlhunter #opioidcrisis #opioidepidemic #opiods #harmreduction #overdose #druglegalization #marijuanalegalization #drugs #police #lawenforcement #decriminalization #legalization

Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Celebration of Life - Monthly Recap
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
It's the end of the month and the year of 2019. We will recap some of the more important stories which will have an impact on the world of law enforcement. In order to bridge the gap, it's important to analyze these stories to see where law enforcement and the public can meet and work on their differences. #lawenforcement #police #deputy #drugreform #marijuanapurge #purge #kimfoxx #deputyarrested #policetransparency #policeaccountability #community #antisemitism

Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Are You Prepared for an Emergency? w/ Dr. Scott Whyte
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Unfortunately a tragic even is often right around the corner. Being prepared for any emergency is vitally important to the success of any community. This episode we will speak with an ER doc, Dr. Scott Whyte. He will explain to us the importance of learning life-saving skills and where one can go to sign up for such classes. It's my hope that you will listen and realize that it's in your power to learn enough life support skills to make a difference. The life if your loved one counts on it. #CPR #BLS #police #basiclifesupport #Americanheartassociation #heart.org #TCCC #eastcoasttacmed.com #lawenforcement #communityengagement

Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Developing a Daily Routine
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
In this session, we will explore some methods to help us become more productive. Whether on your job or in your personal life the ability to set goals is paramount for success. Grab your pen and paper (cell phone notes?) and get ready to listen and learn. #goals #goalsetting #lifecoach #lifecaching #gettowork #hardwork #dailyroutine