Dr. L’s Podcast

Captain Hunter’s Podcast is now Dr. L’s Podcast. During the pandemic, I went back to school and completed a doctorate in Leadership. While I still plan to hit on some policing stories, I will mostly pivot to self-improvement topics. Having overcome many mental hurdles, I think it’s time I gave back. I want to help people become the best version of themselves. I also plan to hit on love and relationship topics. Having gone through a divorce and returning to the dating market, I will speak about the mistakes I made along the way and how a mature man looks at dating. Buckle up as we discuss some critical life-changing topics. Hit me up if you have any show suggestions: bigglphd@gmail.com And don’t forget to follow me on Youtube - Dr. L’ Podcast (formerly @bigglphd)

Sunday Mar 15, 2020
Is Prison Reform Possible? w/ Kara Gotsch
Sunday Mar 15, 2020
Sunday Mar 15, 2020
Reforming prisons will not be easy, in fact, many do not believe that it is necessary at all. My guest today works for the Sentencing Project and has dedicated her life to prison reform and reducing prison sentences. #prisonreform #lawenforcment #policereform #police #mandatoryminimums #prisonreduction #youthfuloffenders #agingout #prisonovercrowding #reform#criminaljusticereform #criminaljustice #prisons #lifesentecnces

Friday Mar 13, 2020
What Makes Men Happy?
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Hint: It's not always money, family and friends. This mid-week encouragement will take a look at a serious problem that some men may keep bottled up inside. #suicideprevention #menhappy #whatmakesmenhappy #motivation #worklifebalance #men #menshealth #mensissues #mensmentalhealth #police #lawenforcement #suicide

Sunday Mar 08, 2020
Should the Sex Trade be Legal? w/ Kate D'Adamo
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
In this episode, we take a look at the oldest profession. Like it or not, sex work and to some extent drugs (intoxicants) have been around as long as humanity. The question for our modern era is should it be decriminalized, legalized and regulated or should police crackdown even harder? In this episode, I will speak with Kate D'Adamo and she will explain her perspective and how attempts to arrest our way out of the problem only makes the problem worse. #sextrafficking #sexworkers #sextrade #sextraders #decriminalization #harmreduction #drugreform #policyreform #policereform #police #lawenforcement #society #legalization #prostitution

Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Your Attitude Affects Your Altitude
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Don't let your current state of mind cause an emotional response to things or persons affect possible future outcomes in your life. Keep your eyes on the target and make sure you hang around like-minded people. #attitudeaffectsattitude #postiveenergy #staypositive #negativeenergy #altitude #positiveattitude #thinkpositive

Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Monthly Recap Feb 2020 -Civilian Oversight, School Resource Ofcs & More
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
We will recap some of the stories from the month of Feb 2020. School resource ofcs are at it again, there seems to be a vendetta against Jussie Smollet, CJ reform is attacked in NYC and more stories to cover. #police #JussieSmollet #schoolresourceofficers #lawenforcement #trumppardons #policereformunder attack #policereform #arrestsixyearold #arrest6yrold #policetraining #implicitbias #SROs #copsinschools #policeinschools

Sunday Mar 01, 2020
The War on Drugs in the Philippines
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
My special guest today is Atty Kristine Mendoza of Street Law. Her organization is dedicated to harm reduction for drug users in the Philippines. She will elaborate on what harm reduction is, the high cost that the war on drugs has had on the population and economy of the Philippines. It's a very difficult story, but well worth listening too. Please share this episode. #harmreduction #warondrugsphilippines #warondrugsinthephilippines #warondrugs #philippineslawenforcement #filipinopolice #police #lawenforcement #druguse #stopwarondrugs #endwarondrugs

Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Defeating Imposter Syndrome
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Today we will discuss how to defeat imposter syndrome, which is that nagging feeling that one may not be as smart as other ins their field. Or maybe people feel as if they do not belong in the space they occupy. Many people struggle with some feelings of insecurity however, when it causes anxiety, depression or procrastination then we must deal with it before it paralyzes and sabotages our efforts. #police #lawenforcement #impostersyndrome #anxiety #depression #lowselfesteem #perfectionism #procrastination

Sunday Feb 23, 2020
Does Your PD Need Civilian Oversight? w/ Ms. Liana Perez
Sunday Feb 23, 2020
Sunday Feb 23, 2020
This episode we will take a look at some of the reasons some cities choose to develop an oversight board for the PD's. It may come as a surprise to some listeners but some cities' governments and police officers want the oversight boards. Today's guest is Ms. Liana Perez of NACOLE. What is that? Well tune in and listen as she discusses her role and influence concerning civilian oversight boards. #police #lawenforcement #civilianoversight #civilianoversightboards @nacole_org #podcast #cptlhunter @cptlhunter #policeoversight #policelegitamacy