Dr. L’s Podcast

Captain Hunter’s Podcast is now Dr. L’s Podcast. During the pandemic, I went back to school and completed a doctorate in Leadership. While I still plan to hit on some policing stories, I will mostly pivot to self-improvement topics. Having overcome many mental hurdles, I think it’s time I gave back. I want to help people become the best version of themselves. I also plan to hit on love and relationship topics. Having gone through a divorce and returning to the dating market, I will speak about the mistakes I made along the way and how a mature man looks at dating. Buckle up as we discuss some critical life-changing topics. Hit me up if you have any show suggestions: bigglphd@gmail.com And don’t forget to follow me on Youtube - Dr. L’ Podcast (formerly @bigglphd)

Sunday Jan 31, 2021
Keeping Our Communities & Worship Centers Safe w/ Tristan Wright
Sunday Jan 31, 2021
Sunday Jan 31, 2021
Tristan Wright is the COO of her local church. She is charged with ensuring that there are security and a number of other things for the members' safety. Considering that there is information that many terrorists groups are lurking in the shadows and waiting to strike, it seems fitting to release this episode. For the month of Feb, I want to highlight Black women who are leaders and entrepreneurs. Ms. Wright is up first.
#security #whitedomesticterrorists #terrorists #safety #consulting #consultingagency #police #policesafety #bridgingthedivide

Sunday Jan 24, 2021
Hypothetical Racism w/ Dr. Taharee Jackson
Sunday Jan 24, 2021
Sunday Jan 24, 2021
Dr. Jackson is back!!! Bringing her positive energy, she is much needed in these times. She return to discuss the what if's..... What if Black people or other people of color had stormed the nations capital? Would we have been able to walk away, get on the steps or engage with the police in those manners? Many who believe they couldn't have acted in similar fashion aren't calling for police brutality toward those individuals. They are calling for the same response in all matters. This was a live episode we recorded to Facebook, Periscope and YouTube. Enjoy.
#stormthecapital #drtahareejackson @drtahareejackson #riots #nationscapital #equalresponse #equaltreatment #hypotheticalracism

Sunday Jan 24, 2021
Canceling of Diversity Training w/ Dr Taharee Jackson
Sunday Jan 24, 2021
Sunday Jan 24, 2021
The previous presidential administration canceled diversity training for federal employees. I'm sure the new administration will re-institute those programs. However, while the video version lives on Facebook and YouTube, I never released this audio version. Dr. Jackson is wonderful, bubbly and intelligent. Take a listen of the live episode we recorded.
@dr.tahareejackson #tahareejackson @drtahareejackson #diversity #D&I #diverityinclusionbelonging #diversitytraining

Monday Jan 18, 2021
Building the Esteem of Young Girls w/ Dr. Janine Jones
Monday Jan 18, 2021
Monday Jan 18, 2021
Far too many girls are taken advantage of or grow up with feelings of low self-esteem. Dr. Janine Jones is on a mission to correct these wrongs. Dr. Jones joined me for a Facebook Live and we had a great conversation.
#lowselfesteem #buildselfesteem # Selfesteem #Drjaninejones @djaninejones #blackgirlmagic #blackgirls #multicultural #culturlaidentity #resilience #buildingresielnce

Sunday Jan 10, 2021
Exploring Some Recent Events- NFL Player, Nation's Capital and more
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
Today we take a look at why many don't like the police, especially because of the rideshare stings. We will also look at the NFL player, Dwayne Haskins' situation, what occurred at the Nation's capital, and the "shut-up" challenge. We will explore the importance of fatherhood, self-control, the problems with police doing too much to make arrests or produce tickets and of course the motivations behind the unrest at the Capital.
#protests #unrest #fatherhood #shut-upchallenge #shutupchallenge #Dwaynehaskins #NFLplayercut #culture #blackculture #domesticterrorists # terrorists #whitedomesticterrorists #nationscapital #capital

Friday Jan 08, 2021
Infiltrator. Former FBI Agent Michael German, Speaks on White Terrorism
Friday Jan 08, 2021
Friday Jan 08, 2021
Former FBI agent Michael German will join me to discuss the real and serious threat of white nationalists and their infiltration of law enforcement. In light of recent events at the capital, I thought it necessary to release this episode.
#michaelgerman #infiltration #whitesupremacist #whiteterrorism #capital #nationscapital #trumpsupporters #bluelivesmatter #blacklivesmatter #blm #formerfbiagent #police #capitalpolice #lawenforcement

Sunday Jan 03, 2021
More Reasons to Go Meatless in 2021 w/ Rachel Atcheson
Sunday Jan 03, 2021
Sunday Jan 03, 2021
Many people make resolutions around this time of year. Why not bring in the new year and be encouraged to make the lifestyle changes you been putting off?
#meatlessmondays #plantstrong #plantpower #veganism #vegetarianism #wholefoodplantbaseddiet #plants #plantdiet #giveupmeat #healthyliving #changein2021

Monday Dec 28, 2020
Should We Get the COVID-19 Vaccine? w/ Dr. Kanika Turner
Monday Dec 28, 2020
Monday Dec 28, 2020
Dr. Kanika Turner returns to discuss the importance of getting the COVID-19 vaccine. Should you get it? Should I get it? Are there myths about the vaccine that won't go away? Let's talk about it.
#COVID #COVID-19 #vaccine #covidvaccine #pandemic #blackdoctors #blackexcellence #blacklivesmatter #community #communitystrength #antivaccers #antivaccine #science #antiscience