Dr. L’s Podcast
Captain Hunter’s Podcast is now Dr. L’s Podcast. During the pandemic, I went back to school and completed a doctorate in Leadership. While I still plan to hit on some policing stories, I will mostly pivot to self-improvement topics. Having overcome many mental hurdles, I think it’s time I gave back. I want to help people become the best version of themselves. I also plan to hit on love and relationship topics. Having gone through a divorce and returning to the dating market, I will speak about the mistakes I made along the way and how a mature man looks at dating. Buckle up as we discuss some critical life-changing topics. Hit me up if you have any show suggestions: bigglphd@gmail.com And don’t forget to follow me on Youtube - Dr. L’ Podcast (formerly @bigglphd)
Sunday Nov 22, 2020
Guest on T3P Podcast. Can We Change How the Police are Viewed?
Sunday Nov 22, 2020
Sunday Nov 22, 2020
I was honored to be a guest on the T3P Podcast. We discussed why many people have a problem with and distrust the police. Hopefully some changes can be made by LE to build public trust.
#build a bridge #police #policeperception #changeperception #policetransparency #transparency #policeprocedures #policelegitamacy #lawenforcement #defundthepolice #blacklivesmatter
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Dr. Stirling wrote and article describing an incident in which the military was looking for transparency and justice. The Trump administration had stepped in to stop the prosecution of the alleged wrong doer. Stirling equated that by stepping in to stop investigation and prosecution a message would be sent to other personnel that misconduct would be tolerated. He stated that he did not want the military to become like so many police departments. Some may take offense to his characterization of police, however, I think his take is important. Many people have negative thoughts concerning the police, and it's time to hear why and then change.
#policereform #policetransparency #centerforlaw.org #police #police transparancy #change #bluelivesmatter #black lives matter #corruption #military #militaryjustice #defundthepolice
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Are We Getting Distracted? w/ Fellow Podcasters
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monday Nov 16, 2020
During the height of the Floyd Protests, I reached out to fellow podcasters to ask the question, are we getting distracted from the important goal of police reform? Companies were looking to change the face of syrup bottles and the like. Statues were being torn down and mutilated. I wondered if any of these symbolic changes would lead to long-lasting changes or fizzle out the movement for reform. Take a listen to our convo.
#blackteaspeakspodcast #opinionatedblackdadspodcast #conscioussedationpodcast #distracted #george floyd #george floyd protests #conscious sedation podcast #opionated black dads #police reform #police #lawenforcement #social justice #social change
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
FACEBOOKLIVE: Women in Academia w/ Dr. Kelly K. Hope
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Dr. Kelly Hope joined me on an episode to discuss women in academia. Considering the recent election of VP elect Kamala Harris I thought it appropriate to release this episode even though it was recorded before the election. We will speak about her career, women in academia, the struggle of educating inner city kids and number of other topics.
#drkellykhope #kellykhope, #innercitykids #innercity #blackgirlmagic #blackgirlsrock #police #education #lawenforcement #mentalhealth #howyouseeyourself #representation #representationmatters #glassceiling #breaktheglassceiling
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Guest on Parenting Decolonized Podcast
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
I joined host, Yolanda Williams, on the Parenting Decolonized Podcast. We discuss some of the mistrust that communities of color have with the police. We explore how to overcome that lack of trust and how both police and communities of color can move forward together.
#parentingdecolonized #podcast #policemistrust #bridgethedivide #police #community #socialunrest #blacklivesmatter #decolonized #changeyourthinking
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Philly Police Shooting - Need for Expert Opinion
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Friday Oct 30, 2020
Unfortunately, I have heard some really bad info concerning the tragic police shooting of Waterl Wallace Jr in Philly, PA. I will try to set some of the record straight and give a layman's understanding to the public of the difficulties police officers face when they do their jobs.
#phillypoliceshooting #philadelphia police #walterwallacejr #walterwallace #RMU #rolandmartinunfiltered #policeshooting #policeuseofforce #manwithaknife #mentallydisturbed #suicidebycop #policeexperts
Sunday Oct 25, 2020
Sunday Oct 25, 2020
In this interview Native American, Rhonda Anderson, and I discuss the Washington Football team's name change and other Native issues. #nativeamerican #natives #indigenous people #indigenous #rhondaanderson #podcast #indigenous land
Sunday Oct 25, 2020
RE-RELEASE Interview w/ US Congresswoman Jahana Hayes
Sunday Oct 25, 2020
Sunday Oct 25, 2020
Since it's close to election time I thought I would re-release an interview I had with Rep Jahana Hayes. It's important to vote and make your voice heard. In this interview Ms. Hayes and I discuss education. Make sure you like subscribe and share.
#education #school to prison pipleline #massincaceration #voting #votingmatters #blackvotersmatter #makeyourvoiceheard #didyouvote #USRepJahanaHayes #JahanaHayes